Descriptor Code: FGDB
Des Lacs-Burlington High School Student Handbook
Student/Parent/Teacher/Administrator Compact Agreement
It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:
1. Attend school on a regular basis.
2. Come to school each day with all necessary supplies for learning and achieving.
3. Complete and turn in homework assignments on time.
4. Observe and maintain regular study halls.
5. Conform to the rules of student conduct set forth by the handbook.
Parent/Guardian Agreement
I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will encourage him/her to do the following:
1. See that my child attends school regularly and is on time.
2. Support the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline
3. Establish a time for homework and review it with our student on a regular basis.
4. Provide an atmosphere that is conducive to learning.
5. Encourage my child to use all his/her abilities and be available to them for questions.
6. Stay aware of what my child is learning in school.
7. Encourage library use.
Teacher Agreement
It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I will strive to do the following:
1. Provide meaningful and relevant homework assignments for students to enhance learning.
2. Provide necessary assistance to parents so they can help with assignments.
3. Encourage student and parent communication by providing information about student progress.
4. Utilize authentic learning activities and make learning enjoyable.
Administrator Agreement
It is important to support parent involvement. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:
1. Provide a means for positive communication between the student, parent, and teacher.
2. Provide an environment for teacher to provide learning activities that will reinforce classroom instruction.
Educational Objectives
The administration, teachers, and the school board believe it is the function of DLBHS to provide the best education possible for all the youth of our community. We believe the best preparation and education possible will provide an opportunity for youth to:
1. Grow in good citizenship and develop and understanding and appreciation for the democratic way of life.
2. Develop, maintain, and respect sound bodies and healthy minds.
3. Understand and utilize the fundamental process of listening, reading, speaking, and writing in the various fields of learning.
4. Develop an appreciation for and practice to develop a sound home environment.
5. Prepare them for study beyond high school at college.
6. Prepare them for a vocation beyond high school.
7. Learn to appreciate and use leisure time efficiently and safely.
8. Develop their own individual personality and establish a morally sound personal code of ethics.
9. Understand, integrate, and function within an increasingly technological world.
10. Understand and use the principles of mathematics and science to interact with our scientific understanding of the universe.
We believe we can best accomplish these ends by:
1. A faculty with professional attitudes and adequate preparation.
2. A comprehensive curriculum (with dual credit) which attempts to meet the needs of all students.
3. Providing adequate physical facilities.
4. Providing activities which develop special mental and social talents.
No student or employee of the United Public School District #7 on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap shall be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under an educational program or activity conducted by the district.
The school district will treat its students without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in regards to access to and participation in course offerings, athletics, counseling, employment, assistance, and extra-curricular activities as prescribed by Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and American Disabilities Act.
The school district will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in the area of employment, including job advertising, pre-employment requirements, recruitment compensation, fringe benefits, job classification, promotion, and termination. The Superintendent will investigate all discrimination complaints.
Title VI, IX, Section 504 Grievance Procedure
Individuals who believe they are in any specific class of individuals that have been subjected to race, color, national origin, sex, and handicap discrimination may file a complaint. A complaint must be filed no later than 180 days from the date of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing is extended by the responsible official of his/her designee.
Complaint Procedure
Any student or employee of United Public School District #7 may file a complaint alleging race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap discrimination in any of the programs or activities of the school district as follows:
1. An oral complaint may be informally filed with the Principal, or immediate supervisor of a complaining employee.
2. A formal complaint may be filed with the Principal of the building in which the discrimination took place.
3. A formal written complaint may be filed with the Principal who has been designated as the person responsible for coordinating the efforts of the United Public School District #7 to comply with Title VI, IX, Section 504, including the investigation of complaints alleging noncompliance. The office address and telephone number of our coordinator is: Des Lacs-Burlington High School
317 Roosevelt Street
Des Lacs, ND 58733
4. Any person lodging an informal. oral complaint reserves the right to file a formal written complaint within 60 days of filing the oral complaint. Further, a formal written complaint must be filed as outline in #2 and #3 above, prior to the filing of an appeal as outlined below.
Grievance Procedure
Any employee working in, and student attending, or any adult living in the United Public School District #7 may submit a grievance to the school board. First, however, it is their duty to contact the principal or superintendent concerning the grievance. If no solution is reached at these levels, then it can be taken to the school board. Any grievance should be brought to the attention of the administration within 14 days of its occurrence and the administration shall answer the grievance with seven days of its lodging.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is recognized as a form of sex discrimination and thus a violation of the laws which prohibit sex discrimination. Under the EEOC guidelines which the school district follows, an employer is held accountable if a person is harassed by supervisory employees, whether or not the employer is aware of the harassment or acts promptly to remedy the situation. If a person is harassed by fellow workers or by non-employees, the employer is held accountable if the employer knows or should have known of the harassment and fails to take immediate and appropriate corrective action. A learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment will be maintained in the United Public School District #7. It shall be a violation of this policy for any member of the district’s staff to harass another staff member or students, or for any student or staff member, through conduct or communication of a sexual nature as defined by the following policy. Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to:
1. Sexually-oriented verbal kidding, abuse, or harassment.
2. Pressure (subtle or otherwise) for sexual activity.
3. Repeated remarks to a person with sexual or demeaning implications.
4. Unwelcome touching, such as patting, pinching, or intentional brushing against another persons body.
5. Suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit promises or preferential treatment of threats concerning one’s employment or education status.
Retaliation is any form of sanction or adverse treatment against a person because that person has asserted, or has assisted another person to assert a complaint with the school because that person has testified or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing related to a complaint. Retaliation may consist of, but is not limited to:
1. Intentional disparagement, open hostility, exclusion and ostracism.
2. Creation or continued existence of a hostile environment or a pattern of negative remarks or treatment.
Retaliation against any person is strictly forbidden at Des Lacs-Burlington High School.
Pupil Records
All academic and personal records pertaining to individual students are confidential and can only be inspected by students, parents, and school officials. The entire record is to be made available for review by students and parents. For parents, this is until the student reaches the age of 18. The school reserves the right to set the appropriate time and have a teacher, counselor, or principal present when the records are inspected to interpret the contents of the file or to explain what was meant by certain tests. Parents shall have the opportunity for a hearing to challenge the contents of their child’s school record to insure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights of students and to provide an opportunity of or for correction or deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate date contained therein. The school cannot permit access to or release student records to any individual, agency, or organization other than the following with out written consent of their legal guardian:
1. Other school officials within the school.
2. Officials of other schools or school systems in which the student intends to enroll.
Privacy Rights
Students have the right to expect school administrators, counselors, or teachers who receive information in confidence (be it written or verbal) from a student not to reveal that information to anyone unless it would be definitely in the best interest of the student to do so.
Des Lacs-Burlington High School complies with the federal IDEA Act in following guidelines for disciplinary action. Detailed information can be found in an administrator or special education teacher’s handbook entitled--Guidelines: The Special Education Process for North Dakota Schools.
Des Lacs-Burlington High School requires that a student’s actions are such that they do not disrupt the orderly processes of the school. Student’s actions also reflect the school and community in which they live. In view of this, the following procedures are set up:
1. Dismissal from class:
Any teacher or administrator shall have the right to dismiss any pupil for the balance of any class period in which the behavior of the student disrupts the class. Notice of dismissal shall be given by the teacher to the administration which may notify the parent. The principal will discipline students referred by the teacher. Therefore, any student brought to the office will be considered a serious problem and will be handled as such. The following procedure will be utilized:
A. Parents may be called and/or sent a notice that their child is in trouble and has been removed from the classroom.
B. The student may remain under the principal’s supervision for the remainder of the day or part of the day depending on the seriousness of the problem.
C. A record of the incident will be kept in an appropriate file to be established for such purposes.
D. On the second and subsequent occurrences, the above procedures will be followed and parents may be requested to meet with the teacher, principal, and student as soon as possible.
2. Grounds for suspension or expulsion:
The following shall be grounds for the suspension or expulsion of any student. Students will be granted “limited” due process. They shall be given the reason for the suspension/expulsion and will be given the opportunity to give their side of the story. Students may or may not be given credit for work completed during the suspension/expulsion. That will be at the discretion of the teacher(s).
A. Insubordination of any administrator, teachers, or school employee.
B. Disorderly conduct, willfully disturbing a school session, or damaging property.
C. Interfering with school session by act of violence, conduct, or threatening language.
D. Insulting/threatening school employee or preventing them from performing duties.
E. Use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco on school property or at school activities.
F. Commission of a crime, harassment, or failing to report for detention.
3. Detention
Infractions of classroom rules or not following school procedures and policies can cause a student to be placed in detention. Detention may be held before the start of the school day or immediately after school at the discretion of the Principal. Parents will become responsible for the transportation of their child to and/or from detention. Failure to report for detention will cause the time served to be doubled for the following week. Failing to report the following week may warrant a suspension. When a student receives his/her fifth detention the Principal may give the student a one day in school suspension (ISS). An additional one day of ISS may be given on the seventh, eighth, and ninth detention. The Principal may begin expulsion proceedings if a student receives ten or more detentions. Work completed by a student serving an ISS or an OSS may or may not be given credit. That decision rests with the teacher/Principal.
Dress and Appearance
Des Lacs-Burlington High School takes pride in the appearance of our students. Their dress reflects the quality of the school. Students are to dress neatly and cleanly and practice daily hygiene while in attendance at regular classes or school activities. Students may be required to serve detention for repeated dress code violations. The following are guidelines for dress at Des Lacs-Burlington High School:
1. No bare midriff shirts or blouses that leave excessive skin exposed (includes practice apparel for team and individual sports).
2. No shirts that expose cleavage (both male and female).
3. No spaghetti strap tops, halter tops, or vests without shirts. Shoulder straps must be a minimum of one inch wide.
4. Shirt tops must touch the top of jeans/bottoms.
5. No see through or mesh garments may be worn which expose skin or undergarments.
6. No exposed or visible underwear/undergarments.
7. No clothing with sexual, alcohol, tobacco, drug references, or shirts that demean the opposite sex.
8. Shorts and skirts may not be shorter than mid-thigh.
9. Extraneous items/accessories such as spikes, chains, heavy metal objects are not permitted.
10. No open toed shoes during inclement weather or slippers (as judged by bus drivers, coaches, and administration).
11. No blankets will be allowed in classrooms.
12. All pants should be won at the hips.
13. Hair must be kept neat, clean, and tidy.
14. No coats may be worn---hooded sweatshirts/fleeces are allowed.
15. No hats, caps, bandanas, or sunglasses
16. No clothes that are excessively worn, torn, or soiled.
NOTE: Any other apparel which the staff determines to be unacceptable according to community standards is not allowed. Exceptions to the dress code include Homecoming, Awards Banquets, Coronation, and “Dress up days”. Students who violate dress code will be asked to change clothes or may be sent home.
Faculty/Staff Authority
Every administrator, teacher, counselor, and school employee has disciplinary authority over all students at all times while the students are on school property or at school sponsored activities and events. In addition, coaches, bus drivers, food service workers, custodians, aides, secretaries and all other school employees have full authority over students in their domain.
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Policy (NDHSAA)
Des Lacs-Burlington High School is a member of the North Dakota High School Activities Association. Therefore our activities are governed by the rules of the association.
Any student found in use or possession of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, or found guilty by a court of law for the use or possession of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco will be suspended from activities unless such activity is part of a class requirement for which credit toward graduation is required. Such suspension shall be as follows:
1. First offense will result in a six week suspension.
2. Second offense will result in an eighteen week suspension.
The starting date for the suspension shall be from the date the administration of the school is made aware of the infraction. Awards and honors earned prior to a violation will be given if the sport or event has come to a conclusion. If the student is in violation at the time of the event or prior to the sport’s conclusion, no award or honor will be allowed. Class and organization officers will be removed from their positions and replaced. Suspension from other events (Homecoming Dance, Prom, Class Banquets, etc.) is under the discretion of the administration.
Summer and Non-Completed Suspension Policy
Any six or eighteen week NDHSAA suspension which hasn’t it full course during the athletic school year OR any NHHSAA infraction during the summer shall result in a one game/contest/event suspension the subsequent school year. The suspension shall be in the first extra-curricular activity in which a student or athlete participates. For the suspension to count a student or athlete must finish out the season (in the activity you served the suspension) in good standing. Notification of a violation can occur in two ways:
1. Law enforcement notification to the school.
2. Parents, patrons, students, or other adults notify the school.
Upon notification of a violation, a contact will be made to the individual and his/her parents. At that time, the suspension will be put in place unless the parties appeal or request a meeting to discuss the suspension.
Suspension ranging from a one game/event or one to six weeks may be imposed by the administration, coach, athletic director, advisor, or supervisor. These suspensions would result from the acts of poor citizenship that are determined to be detrimental to the image of United Public School District #7. Not all instances of misconduct can be listed but would include acts of violence, stealing, or assault. Therefore, the administration reserves the right to act on each case on an individual basis.
If there is a second violation to a citizenship violation the result will be an eighteen week suspension.
Reporting Absentees
Parents are requested to call the school by 8:45am advising the school of their child’s absence that day. If the parent does not call the school will make attempts to contact the parent. Only students who have been called in absent will be marked as an excused absence. Students have one day to make up work missed for each day absent for non-school reasons.
Excused Tardy
When a student’s departure from class will make them tardy for their next class they should obtain a note from the teacher. If tardy during the day or in the morning the parent should call the school and explain the reason for the tardy. The student should stop at the office upon arrival for a tardy slip.
Unexcused Tardy
Students are allowed two unexcused tardies (regardless of the reason) with no consequence. On the third unexcused tardy and each after the student will serve a half hour detention. Teachers may hold their own detention for students who have broken rules. Once a student has served three tardy detentions a meeting will be held between parents, student, and Principal. Unexcused tardies after this meeting will result in:
1. Half day ISS
2. One day ISS
3. 2 days OSS and parent and student may be required to meet before the School Board.
Students absent from school without consent of parent or school officials will be classified as skipping school. Time missed will be made up. No credit will be given for work that is missed.
Attendance Policy
The School Board of Des Lacs-Burlington High School recognizes that attendance and participation are important parts of the educational development of a student. Grading of a student based on test results alone may not serve to properly motivate a student to educational excellence nor be the proper indication of the skill, which a student has achieve, in any particular course. Class attendance is an indication of effort and effort is a trait worthy of development by the educational process. The course in which a student is enrolled must have been attended a sufficient number of times to insure class participation and the exhibit knowledge of the subject matter in class before the student has been educated in a sufficient manner to be passed to the next grade level. Therefore the following policy has been established:
1. A student shall be allowed 10 absences per semester in EACH class for which a student is registered. When a student has acquired his/her 11th absence in a class the classroom teacher/principal/superintendent/school board may deny credit for the class.
A. Absences that will be waived within those 11 absences will include hospitalization, religious observance, death in the family, or a doctor’s requirements that a student remain home due to illness (note provided by the doctor in cases of illness or appointments).
B. A student missing more than 10 school days during a semester, regardless of the reason, may be asked to appear before the School Board with their parents or guardian before credit for that semester will be given. At this meeting students and parents must be prepared to validate reasons for being absent from school on the specific dates. If the student and parent are unable to substantiate valid reasons for the absence the student may suffer the loss of credit.
2. The Principal will notify the student and the parents when the child has reached seven absences.
3. If a student is less than ten minutes late to class they will be counted tardy. If a student is absent for ten minutes or more from class they will be counted absent for the entire period. If a student has already been marked absent and is in the building and decides not to attend class it will become an unexcused absence which will result in a detention to make up for the time missed. Teachers will be taking attendance each period of the school day.
4. The Principal may grant exceptions for the ten day guideline. The student must appeal verbally or in writing to the Principal with ten school days of the time the student reached the no credit status. The Principal shall notify the student of the time and place of the appeal hearing in not less than three school days prior to the hearing. The Principal shall notify the student of his/her rights to present evidence and testimony on his/her behalf and to be accompanied at the hearings by the parents and/or counselor if he/she wishes. The principal shall issue his decision within five days of the date of the hearing.
5. The student may appeal the decision of the Principal to the School Board by written notice to the Superintendent within ten days of the issuance of the Principal’s decision. The student shall receive at least three days notice of the time and place of the hearing. At such hearing the student shall be accompanied by his/her parents and/or counsel.
6. In the event a student files an appeal with the School Board the Principal will notify the teacher of the course for which the student’s credit is being denied. The teacher shall prepare and present to the School Board a subjective evaluation of the student in the class for which denial of the credit is considered.
7. It shall be appropriate to consider the reasons for the students absences during the appeal process.
Students out of school because of illness must return to school by 12:35pm or they will not be allowed to participate in athletic or cheerleading practices or games on that day. Students should not attend school activities at night if they are out of school for the entire day.
Excuse for Work
Students will be allowed to leave school to work for their parents in the following situations:
1. Work is deemed necessary for the livelihood of the family.
2. The student is not directly reimbursed for their services.
Work done through our vocational education department is excluded from this ruling. Parents of SAE students are asked to take the students out of school only when necessary. The student should attend as much school as possible. Parents should contact the Principal requesting the student to be excused.
Student Visitors to the School
Students who are currently registered at another school will not be allowed to visit
Desl Lacs-Burlington High School for the entire day. The exception to this rule is relatives who are not from the area. All visitors must be approved by the Principal prior to them coming to the school.
Overnight Trips
Students participating in overnight trips organized by the school must follow rules adopted ahead of time by the group’s advisor and those found in this handbook. Enforcement of the rule violations will be as though the student were attending school as any regular day.
Graduation and Registration Requirements
Graduation requirements must be met before a student will be allowed to go through graduation ceremonies. An exception to this would be foreign exchange students. Local school district requirements for graduation are as follows:
1. Four units of English
2. Three units of Social Studies
3. Three units of Math
4. Three units of Science
5. Two units of Physical Education
6. One unit of Foreign Language, Fine Arts, or CTE
7. 1/2 unit of Health
It is important to be aware that to be registered as a sophomore a student must have earned six solid units. To be registered as a junior a student must have earned twelve solid units. To be registered as a senior a student must have earned eighteen solid units.
Honor Roll and Grading Scale
Honor Roll will be calculated using the following system:
A 4.0 A- 3.7
B+ 3.3 B 3.0 B- 2.7
C+ 2.3 C 2.0
D+ 1.3 D 1.0 D- .7
F 0.0
Highest honors will be students having all A’s on their report card in all subjects. High honors will be students having a 3.5 average or higher. Honors will be students with a 3.0 to 3.49 average. All classes will count towards the honor roll.
A+ 100 A 99-95 A- 94
B+ 93 B 92-88 B- 87
C+ 86 C 85-78
D+ 77 D 76-71 D- 70
F 69 and below
Seniors Graduating as Honor Students
Seniors recognized as honor students at graduation must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Home School Students
Students who are home schooled and wish to graduate from Des Lacs-Burlington High School must enroll for at least the final semester of their senior year. Students who are home schooled and not enrolled for the final semester may not participate in the graduation ceremony.
National Honor Society
Students maintaining a 3.5 GPA after their freshman year of high school may apply for induction into the National Honor Society.
Semester Exams
Semester exams will count as 20% (1/5) of the semester grade. The semester exam grade will be averaged with the rest of the grades for the semester.
Scholastic Eligibility
In order to participate in extra-curricular activities students in grades 9-12 cannot be failing more than one subject (it makes no difference what the course is). If a student is failing two or more classes he/she will be ineligible for that week. Eligibility will be determined on a weekly basis. The high school principal will run an eligibility report through PowerSchool on Wednesday morning. Weekly eligibility runs from Wednesday through Tuesday. If a student is deemed ineligible they will not be able to participate from Wednesday through Tuesday.
Students in grades 7 and 8 will follow the same policy as stated above if they are competing in junior high level activities. Students in grades 7 and 8 that are competing in high school activities (Varsity, JV, C-squad) must be passing ALL subjects in order to compete.
Failure to acquire two and a half credits at the end of a semester will make him/her ineligible for a minimum of two weeks the following semester.
Repeating a Subject
Students will repeat a required subject until the objectives of the subject have been achieved.
Correspondence/Independent Study
All classes must be pre-approved by the Principal. Correspondence courses should be completed by April 25th in order for Seniors to be considered serious candidates for graduation.
Report Cards
Report will be issued at the end of the semester and the end of the year. There is no nine weeks report cards. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to keep track of their sons/ daughters grades on-line through PowerSchool.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
There are two scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences during the school year. We recommend that you visit with your child’s teachers whenever you have a question about their progress or anything concerning your child’s school life. The best time to speak with teachers is between 8:00am-8:20am, 3:25pm-4:00pm, or during a teachers prep time.
Policy on Enrolling in School
Students under the age of 16 must be enrolled in school. Parents should remember that failure to enroll students under the age of 16 in school is a form of neglect and proper authorities will be notified. Students over the age of 16 residing in the district should enroll in school by the opening day. Students not enrolled have until the second day of school to become enrolled.
Permanent Withdrawal from School
Students are expected to turn in all books, padlocks, and other school-owned material at the time of their withdrawal. Books are to be returned to the teachers and the locks to the main office together with a signed check out slip. Students will also be required to have all fees paid.
Change of Daily Class Schedule
Students wishing to change their daily class schedule should notify the Principal. Students have only two days once a new semester starts to request a change.
Students who drive to school should use the parking lot to the east side of the high school in an orderly fashion. The area in front high school has been reserved for visitors and faculty members. Vehicles are not to be driven during school hours including lunch. No parking in front of any doors. Students are to stay out of cars and buses at noon and during school hours. Treat the parking lot and school grounds with respect.
Pass to Leave the Building
Students who need to be excused from school to attend matters of a personal nature need to bring in a note and have a parent call with the reason. Students should sign out in the office prior to leaving. No students may leave the building without notifying the office. No student shall leave the school grounds during the school day except students living in Des Lacs who go home to eat.
Passes within the Building
Any student who leaves a classroom should have a pass. The classroom passes are at the discretion of the teacher--handwritten pass, pre-made pass.....
Students may access the telephone in the office to make necessary calls. No long distance phone calls will be allowed. Student will be called out of the classroom to accept a telephone call unless deemed necessary.
Cell Phone and Electronic Devices
The high school will be divided into three zones; Red, Yellow, and Green. The Red Zones will be the bathrooms, locker rooms (during the school day), and the hallways.
NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES MAY BE USED IN THE RED ZONES. The Green Zones will be the lunch room, the lunch line, and the main entry way during the lunch periods. The Yellow Zones are areas in which the student may use their electronic devices in ways INSTRUCTED BY THE TEACHERS, AIDES, OR LIBRARIANS. Yellow zones are areas such as the library, classrooms, and stage. Teachers will communicate with their classes as to what “color” their classrooms will be. Misuse of an electronic device will result in it being confiscated and turned in to the Principal until the end of the day when the student can pick it up. Second offense will result in a parent/guardian having to pick it up. Third offense will result in the parent/guardian having to pick it up, a half hour detention, and loss of all electronic device privileges for the remainder of the semester. Not surrendering an electronic device may result in suspension. The rules for these zones are enforced from 8:30am until 3:20pm.
Any student who is receiving an “F” in any of his/her classes will forfeit all electronic device privileges until a passing grade is attained.
Students who are habitually tardy to school or a class or miss school on a regular basis will forfeit all electronic device privileges until the Principal determines otherwise.
Doors Open for Students
The entrance doors are open by 7:30am each school day morning.
At any time a search may be made of school property, student’s clothing or possessions, vehicle parked within school jurisdiction (by the Superintendent/Principal) without the students permission where reasonable suspicion justifies such action. The school administrator will be accompanied by another adult. Any suspected materials may be confiscated and held by the school administrator for further processing.
Student lockers are the property of the school. They should be used to house a student’s textbooks and other school materials when they are not in use, any coats, overshoes, and backpacks. Students lockers are subject to inspection for cleanliness, for missing items, or for controlled substances and may be entered by the Superintendent/Principal or other designate at any time it might be suspected of containing alcohol, narcotics, explosives, or other items considered potentially harmful to students and school employees, the school building, or unlawfully obtained and possessed. Drug sniffing dogs trained in detecting and finding illegal substances may be used in searching student lockers, coats, and book bags.
Students will be assigned specific lockers. Students not utilizing their assigned locker will receive a detention. Please record the number on your schedule. Students are responsible for any damage that may result from improper use of their lockers. Lockers in the hallways and locker rooms are to be neat and clean at all times. Students wishing a secure combination lock for their lockers may check one out at the office.
The following pictures may NOT be placed in lockers; nudity, swim wear, profanity, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or graphic pictures of animals/humans. The administration reserves the right to remove any material deemed inappropriate.
Lockers should be kept locked and students are to stay out of all lockers except their own. Students should not pin their lockers open at any time. Backpacks should be stored in lockers and not carried throughout the school day.
Students who have valuables or large amounts of money should bring them to the main office for safe keeping. Do not leave valuables and cash in your locker or clothing during the school day. Students attending PE classes should be especially cautious about leaving valuables and cash in their clothing.
Payment of Hot Lunch Bills and Fees
Registration bills should be paid at the beginning of the year. Students should pay monthly lunch bills at the beginning of each month. Students owing excessive lunch bills for the preceding month may not be allowed to charge lunches for the present month.
Athletic participation fees and shuttle bus fees should be paid before the sports season begins.
The school counselor is ready to help students and to consult with them and their parents. The counselor assists students by helping them to understand themselves, to plan a profitable school program, and to aid students in making plans for their future. Standardized tests are administered to all students at various times during the high school and records of the results are maintained. Information may be obtained from the guidance office concerning college, trade and vo-tech schools, financial aid and scholarships, and occupational information. Students wishing to visit the counselor must arrange for a hall pass from the counselor in order to be excused from Directed Study or any class.
Subscriptions for the “Laker” are taken in the spring and fall. The yearbook is usually delivered in the fall.
Social Events
The school sponsors parties and dances during the year for the entertainment of the students. Parties and dances are to be held on Friday or Saturday nights with an exception for Homecoming activities. Sponsoring groups must consult with their advisor(s) and see that the following are observed:
1. Organizations desiring to schedule social events and meetings must reserve the dates on the school calendar.
2. All requests must be cleared through the Principal and/or Athletic Director’s office.
3. Arrange for a money box with the office so ticket takers are properly supplied.
4. Students desiring to attend the event or dance must be there at the time set for the start or shortly thereafter. The doors will be locked within one hour after the start time. Students should remain until the function is over. Any student leaving before the dance is over will not be allowed to return.
5. Out of school guests must be cleared through the office and should have a guest pass for the event. An exception to this rule may be Prom.
Tornado Drill
In the event of a tornado students are to move into the hallway and sit close to the walls with heads covered. The warning of an approaching tornado will come from the office. There will be a minimum of three tornado drills during the school year.
Fire Drill
General Instructions:
1. Once the alarm box has been activated the signals will continue until the activated box has been opened and turned off.
2. During fire drills students are asked to remain quiet, walk briskly, and keep to the side of the hallways as directed in the vacating of each specific room.
3. Students seated next to windows should quickly close the windows before leaving the room.
4. Exit the rooms in a quick, organized, and timely fashion.
5. Close all doors and windows before you vacate the building.
6. Students who reach exit doors first should hold them open until the last person has vacated the hallway. Exit doors should be closed when all have vacated the building.
7. Students who pass through the exit doors first should move several hundred feet away from the building to allow ample room for the remainder of the student body to vacate the building. Roll call should be taken. When the “all clear” has been given students will enter the building in an orderly fashion.
Male Laker of the Year and Female Laker of the Year
Athletes will be nominated by a coach using the following criteria:
1. Academic standing, citizenship, and positive attitude.
2. Athlete must possess high moral character and leadership.
3. Athlete must have demonstrated full potential use of their athletic abilities.
4. Athlete’s adherence to training rules.
5. Athlete must have lettered in at least two sports.
6. Use or possession of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco at any time during the school year will automatically disqualify the athlete from nomination.
7. The award(s) may not be given in a year that no athletes possess the necessary qualifications.
Training Rules for ALL Extra-Curricular Activities
Use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs will result in a suspension. Des Lacs-Burlington High School will follow the rules as set by the NDHSAA is response to these violations. In a situation where there is a party or in a car with drugs, alcohol, or tobacco present a good faith effort must be made to vacate the situation. Failure to leave will result in a suspension from one contest. A second violation will result in the removal from the activity. One unexcused absence from practice will result in a one contest suspension. Coaches should be notified prior to the absence. Coaches will have discretion over this violation. Other rules for “Laker” athletes:
1. The use of profanity is prohibited.
2. Players and cheerleaders of the opposite sex should be separated on the bus.
3. Grubs should not be worn to school on game day or to away games.
4. In the event of repeated violations of #1, #2, or #3 no presentation of special awards earned will be given. However, letters will be awarded.
Weapons Policy
Possession and/or use of a weapon by a student is detrimental to the welfare and safety of the students and school personnel within the district. Therefore, no student will knowingly possess, handle, carry, or transmit any weapon or dangerous instrument in any school building, on school grounds, in any vehicle, or at any school sponsored event. Such weapons include but are not limited to: knives, razors, ice picks, screwdrivers, explosive/incendiary devices, guns or bb guns, slingshots, bludgeons, brass knuckles, or any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon or dangerous instrument. Violation of this policy will require that proceedings for the suspension and/or expulsion of the student involved being in initiated immediately by the Administration.
Bus Rider Rules
If you are a student that rides the school bus it is important that you are on time at the designated school bus stops so that the route can remain on schedule. While waiting stay off the road at all times. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before entering. Be careful in approaching bus stops. Riders are not permitted to move forward toward the bus at the school bus departure area until the bus has come to a complete stop.
While on the bus the driver has the same authority as a teacher or school employee. Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times after entering. Assist in helping keep the bus safe and sanitary at all times. Loud talking and laughing are unnecessary and prohibited as they may divert the drivers attention. Treat bus equipment as you would treat furniture in your own house. Damage to bus equipment will be paid by the offender. Riders should never tamper with or touch any bus equipment unless authorized by the driver. Do not leave books, lunches, or any other articles on the bus. Help to look after the safety and comfort of younger children. You may not throw anything out of the bus windows. Keep all of your articles out of the aisle. Riders should not leave their seats when the bus is in motion. Horse play is not permitted on or around the bus. Absolute quiet is required when approaching a railroad crossing. Be courteous to everyone. If there is a road emergency riders will remain on the bus unless required to vacate by the driver or Administration. All students should dress “season” appropriate. Cold weather clothing should include coats. overshoes, boots, hats, and gloves.
When departing the bus riders should look to be sure no traffic is coming and cross the street at least ten feet in front of the bus. Riders should help younger students and small children when crossing the street. Be aware of the danger signal that comes from the driver. The bus driver will not discharge riders at places other than the regular bus stops, at the home, or at the school unless by proper authorization from parents or school Administration.
United Public School District #7 Sportsmanship and Mission Statement
Des Lacs-Burlington United Public School District #7 believes that interscholastic events serve both educational and physical purposes in the lives of our district’s administrators, coaches, teachers, students, spectators, cheerleaders, bands, officials, and contest workers. Des Lacs-Burlington United Public School District #7 has made the development of positive sportsmanship a focus in all interscholastic events. The challenge of achieving positive sportsmanship is one that all members of the district take on together.
The school board believes they must be open to adopting a new policy promoting positive sportsmanship. They believe in serving as positive role models and expect the same from all parties involved in interscholastic events. They will support and recognize those who display good sportsmanship on a regular and consistent basis. They understand value of good sportsmanship and will use their position to promote this value in our school district.
The school administrators believe they must provide appropriate supervision at each scholastic event. They also accept the responsibility for helping in the development of a crowd control plan for all home contests. They will join with the school board in recognizing exemplary behavior in terms of sportsmanship. The administration will actively discourage undesirable conduct at all events. They understand their role in establishing good sportsmanship and will set the tone for the implementation of good practice.
The coaches will teach positive sportsmanship and set up a plan to recognize those participants that display sportsmanship. They will provide instruction, training, and motivation without putting participants down through their action and language. They will understand that they have a unique personality and use common sense when making decisions. Coaches may question a rule interpretation but must approach the situation in a respective manner. They understand that their actions speak very loudly and their role in regards to sportsmanship is all encompassing.
The student athletes believe that they must show respect at all times for coaches, opponents, game officials, and especially their own teammates. They will hold themselves and their teammates accountable for their actions by supporting one another and by letting all participants know that sportsmanship is expected. They will show respect for public property and equipment, specifically locker rooms and school facilities. They understand that they are the focus of the events and that they are to lead by example on and off the field of competition.
The spectators will avoid criticism of game officials and coaches. They will not engage in coaching from the stands. They will support the cheerleaders in their effort to engage the crowd. They will work cooperatively with officials and supervisors in maintaining order at all events. They understand the need to be positive role models and emulate sportsmanship through all their actions.
The band will promote sportsmanship through its actions and through its playing. They will perform the opponents school song to the best of their ability. They will show respect to the rules of the game as set for by the NDHSAA. They understand they are a vital part of our school’s success in the promotion and development of positive sportsmanship.
The cheerleaders will shop respect for the opposing cheerleaders and teams. They will lead positive cheers. They will praise their team through cheers while not antagonizing the opponents. They will dress in school appropriate uniforms. They understand that they are a vital part of each team they are associated with.
The officials will comply with the rules set forth by the NDHSAA. They will be accountable for the actions within the game they officiate. They will report instances of misconduct and understand that they too can be reported for conduct unbecoming of an official. Officials will be expected to be on time and efficient in rule interpretation. They understand that they must maintain their composure and be competent in their abilities.
The contest workers will be consistent in applying sportsmanship and policies and procedures. They understand that it is their responsibility to enforce the sportsmanship policies established by the district. They know that they are an intricate part of the process and will treat their role as such.
Additional administrative rules will be developed providing enforcement of these expectations. These will include a strong focus on recognizing instances of positive sportsmanship at interscholastic events. Des Lacs-Burlington United School District #7 has made sportsmanship a priority. The school district will continue to promote and foster the development of a positive sportsmanship policy through out the year at all events.
United Public School District #7 Acceptable Behaviors
1. Show respect for each team’s players and fans. Stand during both school songs.
2. Accept all decisions of officials as final. Do this in a respectful manner.
3. Fans will cheer in a positive manner.
4. Handshakes between coaches and players will take place at the end of each competition not matter the outcome/situation.
5. All events will be treated as a celebration of sportsmanship and competition.
United Public School District #7 Unacceptable Behaviors
1. Any disrespectful cheers, yells, songs, or gestures are forbidden.
2. Criticizing the officials in any manner is not allowed.
3. The use of profanity at any event is strictly forbidden.
4. Addressing the opponent in any negative manner in any instance is not allowed.
5. Hand-held signs, whiteboards, flags, noise-makers are forbidden.
Network Facilities Use Policy
The United Public School District #7 School Board is committed to the goal of having electronic facilities used in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner. Acceptable uses of the network are activities which support teaching and learning. We encourage you to develop uses which enhance your electronic learning. Unacceptable uses of the network include:
1. Violating the rights of privacy of student and employees of the district.
2. Use of profanity.
3. Obscenity
4. Language which may be deemed offensive to another user.
5. Reposting communication without the author’s prior consent.
6. Copying commercial software in violation of copyright law.
7. Using the network for financial gain or for any commercial or illegal activity.
8. Spreading computer viruses.
9. Downloading, storing, or printing files or messages that are profane, obscene, or use language that is offensive or degrading to others.
Violations of the networks facilities use policy will result in loss of privileges. School, teacher, and administrative rules must be followed at all times. The student handbook section on discipline defines the orderly process that will be used when the discipline is required. Students caught altering the settings on DLB computers, school website, and/or school data bases will be disciplined by the administration.
Student Insurance
The school does not have insurance to cover injuries that occur in the normal activity associated with extra-curricular activities. Parents and their primary insurance are used to cover these costs.
Student Organizations, Clubs, and Sports
1. Student Council 2. FFA
3. FBLA 4. Speech
5. Spanish Club 6. National Honor Society
7. Academic Olympic Team 8. Band
9. Choir 10. Pep Band
11. Drama 12. Football
13. Volleyball 14. Basketball
15. Wrestling 16. Baseball
17. Golf 18. Track
19. Science Olympiad 20. Cheerleading
21. PALS 22. Rodeo
23. Softball
Des Lacs-Burlington High School Student Handbook
Student/Parent/Teacher/Administrator Compact Agreement
It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:
1. Attend school on a regular basis.
2. Come to school each day with all necessary supplies for learning and achieving.
3. Complete and turn in homework assignments on time.
4. Observe and maintain regular study halls.
5. Conform to the rules of student conduct set forth by the handbook.
Parent/Guardian Agreement
I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will encourage him/her to do the following:
1. See that my child attends school regularly and is on time.
2. Support the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline
3. Establish a time for homework and review it with our student on a regular basis.
4. Provide an atmosphere that is conducive to learning.
5. Encourage my child to use all his/her abilities and be available to them for questions.
6. Stay aware of what my child is learning in school.
7. Encourage library use.
Teacher Agreement
It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I will strive to do the following:
1. Provide meaningful and relevant homework assignments for students to enhance learning.
2. Provide necessary assistance to parents so they can help with assignments.
3. Encourage student and parent communication by providing information about student progress.
4. Utilize authentic learning activities and make learning enjoyable.
Administrator Agreement
It is important to support parent involvement. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:
1. Provide a means for positive communication between the student, parent, and teacher.
2. Provide an environment for teacher to provide learning activities that will reinforce classroom instruction.
Educational Objectives
The administration, teachers, and the school board believe it is the function of DLBHS to provide the best education possible for all the youth of our community. We believe the best preparation and education possible will provide an opportunity for youth to:
1. Grow in good citizenship and develop and understanding and appreciation for the democratic way of life.
2. Develop, maintain, and respect sound bodies and healthy minds.
3. Understand and utilize the fundamental process of listening, reading, speaking, and writing in the various fields of learning.
4. Develop an appreciation for and practice to develop a sound home environment.
5. Prepare them for study beyond high school at college.
6. Prepare them for a vocation beyond high school.
7. Learn to appreciate and use leisure time efficiently and safely.
8. Develop their own individual personality and establish a morally sound personal code of ethics.
9. Understand, integrate, and function within an increasingly technological world.
10. Understand and use the principles of mathematics and science to interact with our scientific understanding of the universe.
We believe we can best accomplish these ends by:
1. A faculty with professional attitudes and adequate preparation.
2. A comprehensive curriculum (with dual credit) which attempts to meet the needs of all students.
3. Providing adequate physical facilities.
4. Providing activities which develop special mental and social talents.
No student or employee of the United Public School District #7 on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap shall be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under an educational program or activity conducted by the district.
The school district will treat its students without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in regards to access to and participation in course offerings, athletics, counseling, employment, assistance, and extra-curricular activities as prescribed by Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and American Disabilities Act.
The school district will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in the area of employment, including job advertising, pre-employment requirements, recruitment compensation, fringe benefits, job classification, promotion, and termination. The Superintendent will investigate all discrimination complaints.
Title VI, IX, Section 504 Grievance Procedure
Individuals who believe they are in any specific class of individuals that have been subjected to race, color, national origin, sex, and handicap discrimination may file a complaint. A complaint must be filed no later than 180 days from the date of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing is extended by the responsible official of his/her designee.
Complaint Procedure
Any student or employee of United Public School District #7 may file a complaint alleging race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap discrimination in any of the programs or activities of the school district as follows:
1. An oral complaint may be informally filed with the Principal, or immediate supervisor of a complaining employee.
2. A formal complaint may be filed with the Principal of the building in which the discrimination took place.
3. A formal written complaint may be filed with the Principal who has been designated as the person responsible for coordinating the efforts of the United Public School District #7 to comply with Title VI, IX, Section 504, including the investigation of complaints alleging noncompliance. The office address and telephone number of our coordinator is: Des Lacs-Burlington High School
317 Roosevelt Street
Des Lacs, ND 58733
4. Any person lodging an informal. oral complaint reserves the right to file a formal written complaint within 60 days of filing the oral complaint. Further, a formal written complaint must be filed as outline in #2 and #3 above, prior to the filing of an appeal as outlined below.
Grievance Procedure
Any employee working in, and student attending, or any adult living in the United Public School District #7 may submit a grievance to the school board. First, however, it is their duty to contact the principal or superintendent concerning the grievance. If no solution is reached at these levels, then it can be taken to the school board. Any grievance should be brought to the attention of the administration within 14 days of its occurrence and the administration shall answer the grievance with seven days of its lodging.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is recognized as a form of sex discrimination and thus a violation of the laws which prohibit sex discrimination. Under the EEOC guidelines which the school district follows, an employer is held accountable if a person is harassed by supervisory employees, whether or not the employer is aware of the harassment or acts promptly to remedy the situation. If a person is harassed by fellow workers or by non-employees, the employer is held accountable if the employer knows or should have known of the harassment and fails to take immediate and appropriate corrective action. A learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment will be maintained in the United Public School District #7. It shall be a violation of this policy for any member of the district’s staff to harass another staff member or students, or for any student or staff member, through conduct or communication of a sexual nature as defined by the following policy. Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to:
1. Sexually-oriented verbal kidding, abuse, or harassment.
2. Pressure (subtle or otherwise) for sexual activity.
3. Repeated remarks to a person with sexual or demeaning implications.
4. Unwelcome touching, such as patting, pinching, or intentional brushing against another persons body.
5. Suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit promises or preferential treatment of threats concerning one’s employment or education status.
Retaliation is any form of sanction or adverse treatment against a person because that person has asserted, or has assisted another person to assert a complaint with the school because that person has testified or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing related to a complaint. Retaliation may consist of, but is not limited to:
1. Intentional disparagement, open hostility, exclusion and ostracism.
2. Creation or continued existence of a hostile environment or a pattern of negative remarks or treatment.
Retaliation against any person is strictly forbidden at Des Lacs-Burlington High School.
Pupil Records
All academic and personal records pertaining to individual students are confidential and can only be inspected by students, parents, and school officials. The entire record is to be made available for review by students and parents. For parents, this is until the student reaches the age of 18. The school reserves the right to set the appropriate time and have a teacher, counselor, or principal present when the records are inspected to interpret the contents of the file or to explain what was meant by certain tests. Parents shall have the opportunity for a hearing to challenge the contents of their child’s school record to insure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights of students and to provide an opportunity of or for correction or deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate date contained therein. The school cannot permit access to or release student records to any individual, agency, or organization other than the following with out written consent of their legal guardian:
1. Other school officials within the school.
2. Officials of other schools or school systems in which the student intends to enroll.
Privacy Rights
Students have the right to expect school administrators, counselors, or teachers who receive information in confidence (be it written or verbal) from a student not to reveal that information to anyone unless it would be definitely in the best interest of the student to do so.
Des Lacs-Burlington High School complies with the federal IDEA Act in following guidelines for disciplinary action. Detailed information can be found in an administrator or special education teacher’s handbook entitled--Guidelines: The Special Education Process for North Dakota Schools.
Des Lacs-Burlington High School requires that a student’s actions are such that they do not disrupt the orderly processes of the school. Student’s actions also reflect the school and community in which they live. In view of this, the following procedures are set up:
1. Dismissal from class:
Any teacher or administrator shall have the right to dismiss any pupil for the balance of any class period in which the behavior of the student disrupts the class. Notice of dismissal shall be given by the teacher to the administration which may notify the parent. The principal will discipline students referred by the teacher. Therefore, any student brought to the office will be considered a serious problem and will be handled as such. The following procedure will be utilized:
A. Parents may be called and/or sent a notice that their child is in trouble and has been removed from the classroom.
B. The student may remain under the principal’s supervision for the remainder of the day or part of the day depending on the seriousness of the problem.
C. A record of the incident will be kept in an appropriate file to be established for such purposes.
D. On the second and subsequent occurrences, the above procedures will be followed and parents may be requested to meet with the teacher, principal, and student as soon as possible.
2. Grounds for suspension or expulsion:
The following shall be grounds for the suspension or expulsion of any student. Students will be granted “limited” due process. They shall be given the reason for the suspension/expulsion and will be given the opportunity to give their side of the story. Students may or may not be given credit for work completed during the suspension/expulsion. That will be at the discretion of the teacher(s).
A. Insubordination of any administrator, teachers, or school employee.
B. Disorderly conduct, willfully disturbing a school session, or damaging property.
C. Interfering with school session by act of violence, conduct, or threatening language.
D. Insulting/threatening school employee or preventing them from performing duties.
E. Use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco on school property or at school activities.
F. Commission of a crime, harassment, or failing to report for detention.
3. Detention
Infractions of classroom rules or not following school procedures and policies can cause a student to be placed in detention. Detention may be held before the start of the school day or immediately after school at the discretion of the Principal. Parents will become responsible for the transportation of their child to and/or from detention. Failure to report for detention will cause the time served to be doubled for the following week. Failing to report the following week may warrant a suspension. When a student receives his/her fifth detention the Principal may give the student a one day in school suspension (ISS). An additional one day of ISS may be given on the seventh, eighth, and ninth detention. The Principal may begin expulsion proceedings if a student receives ten or more detentions. Work completed by a student serving an ISS or an OSS may or may not be given credit. That decision rests with the teacher/Principal.
Dress and Appearance
Des Lacs-Burlington High School takes pride in the appearance of our students. Their dress reflects the quality of the school. Students are to dress neatly and cleanly and practice daily hygiene while in attendance at regular classes or school activities. Students may be required to serve detention for repeated dress code violations. The following are guidelines for dress at Des Lacs-Burlington High School:
1. No bare midriff shirts or blouses that leave excessive skin exposed (includes practice apparel for team and individual sports).
2. No shirts that expose cleavage (both male and female).
3. No spaghetti strap tops, halter tops, or vests without shirts. Shoulder straps must be a minimum of one inch wide.
4. Shirt tops must touch the top of jeans/bottoms.
5. No see through or mesh garments may be worn which expose skin or undergarments.
6. No exposed or visible underwear/undergarments.
7. No clothing with sexual, alcohol, tobacco, drug references, or shirts that demean the opposite sex.
8. Shorts and skirts may not be shorter than mid-thigh.
9. Extraneous items/accessories such as spikes, chains, heavy metal objects are not permitted.
10. No open toed shoes during inclement weather or slippers (as judged by bus drivers, coaches, and administration).
11. No blankets will be allowed in classrooms.
12. All pants should be won at the hips.
13. Hair must be kept neat, clean, and tidy.
14. No coats may be worn---hooded sweatshirts/fleeces are allowed.
15. No hats, caps, bandanas, or sunglasses
16. No clothes that are excessively worn, torn, or soiled.
NOTE: Any other apparel which the staff determines to be unacceptable according to community standards is not allowed. Exceptions to the dress code include Homecoming, Awards Banquets, Coronation, and “Dress up days”. Students who violate dress code will be asked to change clothes or may be sent home.
Faculty/Staff Authority
Every administrator, teacher, counselor, and school employee has disciplinary authority over all students at all times while the students are on school property or at school sponsored activities and events. In addition, coaches, bus drivers, food service workers, custodians, aides, secretaries and all other school employees have full authority over students in their domain.
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Policy (NDHSAA)
Des Lacs-Burlington High School is a member of the North Dakota High School Activities Association. Therefore our activities are governed by the rules of the association.
Any student found in use or possession of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, or found guilty by a court of law for the use or possession of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco will be suspended from activities unless such activity is part of a class requirement for which credit toward graduation is required. Such suspension shall be as follows:
1. First offense will result in a six week suspension.
2. Second offense will result in an eighteen week suspension.
The starting date for the suspension shall be from the date the administration of the school is made aware of the infraction. Awards and honors earned prior to a violation will be given if the sport or event has come to a conclusion. If the student is in violation at the time of the event or prior to the sport’s conclusion, no award or honor will be allowed. Class and organization officers will be removed from their positions and replaced. Suspension from other events (Homecoming Dance, Prom, Class Banquets, etc.) is under the discretion of the administration.
Summer and Non-Completed Suspension Policy
Any six or eighteen week NDHSAA suspension which hasn’t it full course during the athletic school year OR any NHHSAA infraction during the summer shall result in a one game/contest/event suspension the subsequent school year. The suspension shall be in the first extra-curricular activity in which a student or athlete participates. For the suspension to count a student or athlete must finish out the season (in the activity you served the suspension) in good standing. Notification of a violation can occur in two ways:
1. Law enforcement notification to the school.
2. Parents, patrons, students, or other adults notify the school.
Upon notification of a violation, a contact will be made to the individual and his/her parents. At that time, the suspension will be put in place unless the parties appeal or request a meeting to discuss the suspension.
Suspension ranging from a one game/event or one to six weeks may be imposed by the administration, coach, athletic director, advisor, or supervisor. These suspensions would result from the acts of poor citizenship that are determined to be detrimental to the image of United Public School District #7. Not all instances of misconduct can be listed but would include acts of violence, stealing, or assault. Therefore, the administration reserves the right to act on each case on an individual basis.
If there is a second violation to a citizenship violation the result will be an eighteen week suspension.
Reporting Absentees
Parents are requested to call the school by 8:45am advising the school of their child’s absence that day. If the parent does not call the school will make attempts to contact the parent. Only students who have been called in absent will be marked as an excused absence. Students have one day to make up work missed for each day absent for non-school reasons.
Excused Tardy
When a student’s departure from class will make them tardy for their next class they should obtain a note from the teacher. If tardy during the day or in the morning the parent should call the school and explain the reason for the tardy. The student should stop at the office upon arrival for a tardy slip.
Unexcused Tardy
Students are allowed two unexcused tardies (regardless of the reason) with no consequence. On the third unexcused tardy and each after the student will serve a half hour detention. Teachers may hold their own detention for students who have broken rules. Once a student has served three tardy detentions a meeting will be held between parents, student, and Principal. Unexcused tardies after this meeting will result in:
1. Half day ISS
2. One day ISS
3. 2 days OSS and parent and student may be required to meet before the School Board.
Students absent from school without consent of parent or school officials will be classified as skipping school. Time missed will be made up. No credit will be given for work that is missed.
Attendance Policy
The School Board of Des Lacs-Burlington High School recognizes that attendance and participation are important parts of the educational development of a student. Grading of a student based on test results alone may not serve to properly motivate a student to educational excellence nor be the proper indication of the skill, which a student has achieve, in any particular course. Class attendance is an indication of effort and effort is a trait worthy of development by the educational process. The course in which a student is enrolled must have been attended a sufficient number of times to insure class participation and the exhibit knowledge of the subject matter in class before the student has been educated in a sufficient manner to be passed to the next grade level. Therefore the following policy has been established:
1. A student shall be allowed 10 absences per semester in EACH class for which a student is registered. When a student has acquired his/her 11th absence in a class the classroom teacher/principal/superintendent/school board may deny credit for the class.
A. Absences that will be waived within those 11 absences will include hospitalization, religious observance, death in the family, or a doctor’s requirements that a student remain home due to illness (note provided by the doctor in cases of illness or appointments).
B. A student missing more than 10 school days during a semester, regardless of the reason, may be asked to appear before the School Board with their parents or guardian before credit for that semester will be given. At this meeting students and parents must be prepared to validate reasons for being absent from school on the specific dates. If the student and parent are unable to substantiate valid reasons for the absence the student may suffer the loss of credit.
2. The Principal will notify the student and the parents when the child has reached seven absences.
3. If a student is less than ten minutes late to class they will be counted tardy. If a student is absent for ten minutes or more from class they will be counted absent for the entire period. If a student has already been marked absent and is in the building and decides not to attend class it will become an unexcused absence which will result in a detention to make up for the time missed. Teachers will be taking attendance each period of the school day.
4. The Principal may grant exceptions for the ten day guideline. The student must appeal verbally or in writing to the Principal with ten school days of the time the student reached the no credit status. The Principal shall notify the student of the time and place of the appeal hearing in not less than three school days prior to the hearing. The Principal shall notify the student of his/her rights to present evidence and testimony on his/her behalf and to be accompanied at the hearings by the parents and/or counselor if he/she wishes. The principal shall issue his decision within five days of the date of the hearing.
5. The student may appeal the decision of the Principal to the School Board by written notice to the Superintendent within ten days of the issuance of the Principal’s decision. The student shall receive at least three days notice of the time and place of the hearing. At such hearing the student shall be accompanied by his/her parents and/or counsel.
6. In the event a student files an appeal with the School Board the Principal will notify the teacher of the course for which the student’s credit is being denied. The teacher shall prepare and present to the School Board a subjective evaluation of the student in the class for which denial of the credit is considered.
7. It shall be appropriate to consider the reasons for the students absences during the appeal process.
Students out of school because of illness must return to school by 12:35pm or they will not be allowed to participate in athletic or cheerleading practices or games on that day. Students should not attend school activities at night if they are out of school for the entire day.
Excuse for Work
Students will be allowed to leave school to work for their parents in the following situations:
1. Work is deemed necessary for the livelihood of the family.
2. The student is not directly reimbursed for their services.
Work done through our vocational education department is excluded from this ruling. Parents of SAE students are asked to take the students out of school only when necessary. The student should attend as much school as possible. Parents should contact the Principal requesting the student to be excused.
Student Visitors to the School
Students who are currently registered at another school will not be allowed to visit
Desl Lacs-Burlington High School for the entire day. The exception to this rule is relatives who are not from the area. All visitors must be approved by the Principal prior to them coming to the school.
Overnight Trips
Students participating in overnight trips organized by the school must follow rules adopted ahead of time by the group’s advisor and those found in this handbook. Enforcement of the rule violations will be as though the student were attending school as any regular day.
Graduation and Registration Requirements
Graduation requirements must be met before a student will be allowed to go through graduation ceremonies. An exception to this would be foreign exchange students. Local school district requirements for graduation are as follows:
1. Four units of English
2. Three units of Social Studies
3. Three units of Math
4. Three units of Science
5. Two units of Physical Education
6. One unit of Foreign Language, Fine Arts, or CTE
7. 1/2 unit of Health
It is important to be aware that to be registered as a sophomore a student must have earned six solid units. To be registered as a junior a student must have earned twelve solid units. To be registered as a senior a student must have earned eighteen solid units.
Honor Roll and Grading Scale
Honor Roll will be calculated using the following system:
A 4.0 A- 3.7
B+ 3.3 B 3.0 B- 2.7
C+ 2.3 C 2.0
D+ 1.3 D 1.0 D- .7
F 0.0
Highest honors will be students having all A’s on their report card in all subjects. High honors will be students having a 3.5 average or higher. Honors will be students with a 3.0 to 3.49 average. All classes will count towards the honor roll.
A+ 100 A 99-95 A- 94
B+ 93 B 92-88 B- 87
C+ 86 C 85-78
D+ 77 D 76-71 D- 70
F 69 and below
Seniors Graduating as Honor Students
Seniors recognized as honor students at graduation must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Home School Students
Students who are home schooled and wish to graduate from Des Lacs-Burlington High School must enroll for at least the final semester of their senior year. Students who are home schooled and not enrolled for the final semester may not participate in the graduation ceremony.
National Honor Society
Students maintaining a 3.5 GPA after their freshman year of high school may apply for induction into the National Honor Society.
Semester Exams
Semester exams will count as 20% (1/5) of the semester grade. The semester exam grade will be averaged with the rest of the grades for the semester.
Scholastic Eligibility
In order to participate in extra-curricular activities students in grades 9-12 cannot be failing more than one subject (it makes no difference what the course is). If a student is failing two or more classes he/she will be ineligible for that week. Eligibility will be determined on a weekly basis. The high school principal will run an eligibility report through PowerSchool on Wednesday morning. Weekly eligibility runs from Wednesday through Tuesday. If a student is deemed ineligible they will not be able to participate from Wednesday through Tuesday.
Students in grades 7 and 8 will follow the same policy as stated above if they are competing in junior high level activities. Students in grades 7 and 8 that are competing in high school activities (Varsity, JV, C-squad) must be passing ALL subjects in order to compete.
Failure to acquire two and a half credits at the end of a semester will make him/her ineligible for a minimum of two weeks the following semester.
Repeating a Subject
Students will repeat a required subject until the objectives of the subject have been achieved.
Correspondence/Independent Study
All classes must be pre-approved by the Principal. Correspondence courses should be completed by April 25th in order for Seniors to be considered serious candidates for graduation.
Report Cards
Report will be issued at the end of the semester and the end of the year. There is no nine weeks report cards. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to keep track of their sons/ daughters grades on-line through PowerSchool.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
There are two scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences during the school year. We recommend that you visit with your child’s teachers whenever you have a question about their progress or anything concerning your child’s school life. The best time to speak with teachers is between 8:00am-8:20am, 3:25pm-4:00pm, or during a teachers prep time.
Policy on Enrolling in School
Students under the age of 16 must be enrolled in school. Parents should remember that failure to enroll students under the age of 16 in school is a form of neglect and proper authorities will be notified. Students over the age of 16 residing in the district should enroll in school by the opening day. Students not enrolled have until the second day of school to become enrolled.
Permanent Withdrawal from School
Students are expected to turn in all books, padlocks, and other school-owned material at the time of their withdrawal. Books are to be returned to the teachers and the locks to the main office together with a signed check out slip. Students will also be required to have all fees paid.
Change of Daily Class Schedule
Students wishing to change their daily class schedule should notify the Principal. Students have only two days once a new semester starts to request a change.
Students who drive to school should use the parking lot to the east side of the high school in an orderly fashion. The area in front high school has been reserved for visitors and faculty members. Vehicles are not to be driven during school hours including lunch. No parking in front of any doors. Students are to stay out of cars and buses at noon and during school hours. Treat the parking lot and school grounds with respect.
Pass to Leave the Building
Students who need to be excused from school to attend matters of a personal nature need to bring in a note and have a parent call with the reason. Students should sign out in the office prior to leaving. No students may leave the building without notifying the office. No student shall leave the school grounds during the school day except students living in Des Lacs who go home to eat.
Passes within the Building
Any student who leaves a classroom should have a pass. The classroom passes are at the discretion of the teacher--handwritten pass, pre-made pass.....
Students may access the telephone in the office to make necessary calls. No long distance phone calls will be allowed. Student will be called out of the classroom to accept a telephone call unless deemed necessary.
Cell Phone and Electronic Devices
The high school will be divided into three zones; Red, Yellow, and Green. The Red Zones will be the bathrooms, locker rooms (during the school day), and the hallways.
NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES MAY BE USED IN THE RED ZONES. The Green Zones will be the lunch room, the lunch line, and the main entry way during the lunch periods. The Yellow Zones are areas in which the student may use their electronic devices in ways INSTRUCTED BY THE TEACHERS, AIDES, OR LIBRARIANS. Yellow zones are areas such as the library, classrooms, and stage. Teachers will communicate with their classes as to what “color” their classrooms will be. Misuse of an electronic device will result in it being confiscated and turned in to the Principal until the end of the day when the student can pick it up. Second offense will result in a parent/guardian having to pick it up. Third offense will result in the parent/guardian having to pick it up, a half hour detention, and loss of all electronic device privileges for the remainder of the semester. Not surrendering an electronic device may result in suspension. The rules for these zones are enforced from 8:30am until 3:20pm.
Any student who is receiving an “F” in any of his/her classes will forfeit all electronic device privileges until a passing grade is attained.
Students who are habitually tardy to school or a class or miss school on a regular basis will forfeit all electronic device privileges until the Principal determines otherwise.
Doors Open for Students
The entrance doors are open by 7:30am each school day morning.
At any time a search may be made of school property, student’s clothing or possessions, vehicle parked within school jurisdiction (by the Superintendent/Principal) without the students permission where reasonable suspicion justifies such action. The school administrator will be accompanied by another adult. Any suspected materials may be confiscated and held by the school administrator for further processing.
Student lockers are the property of the school. They should be used to house a student’s textbooks and other school materials when they are not in use, any coats, overshoes, and backpacks. Students lockers are subject to inspection for cleanliness, for missing items, or for controlled substances and may be entered by the Superintendent/Principal or other designate at any time it might be suspected of containing alcohol, narcotics, explosives, or other items considered potentially harmful to students and school employees, the school building, or unlawfully obtained and possessed. Drug sniffing dogs trained in detecting and finding illegal substances may be used in searching student lockers, coats, and book bags.
Students will be assigned specific lockers. Students not utilizing their assigned locker will receive a detention. Please record the number on your schedule. Students are responsible for any damage that may result from improper use of their lockers. Lockers in the hallways and locker rooms are to be neat and clean at all times. Students wishing a secure combination lock for their lockers may check one out at the office.
The following pictures may NOT be placed in lockers; nudity, swim wear, profanity, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or graphic pictures of animals/humans. The administration reserves the right to remove any material deemed inappropriate.
Lockers should be kept locked and students are to stay out of all lockers except their own. Students should not pin their lockers open at any time. Backpacks should be stored in lockers and not carried throughout the school day.
Students who have valuables or large amounts of money should bring them to the main office for safe keeping. Do not leave valuables and cash in your locker or clothing during the school day. Students attending PE classes should be especially cautious about leaving valuables and cash in their clothing.
Payment of Hot Lunch Bills and Fees
Registration bills should be paid at the beginning of the year. Students should pay monthly lunch bills at the beginning of each month. Students owing excessive lunch bills for the preceding month may not be allowed to charge lunches for the present month.
Athletic participation fees and shuttle bus fees should be paid before the sports season begins.
The school counselor is ready to help students and to consult with them and their parents. The counselor assists students by helping them to understand themselves, to plan a profitable school program, and to aid students in making plans for their future. Standardized tests are administered to all students at various times during the high school and records of the results are maintained. Information may be obtained from the guidance office concerning college, trade and vo-tech schools, financial aid and scholarships, and occupational information. Students wishing to visit the counselor must arrange for a hall pass from the counselor in order to be excused from Directed Study or any class.
Subscriptions for the “Laker” are taken in the spring and fall. The yearbook is usually delivered in the fall.
Social Events
The school sponsors parties and dances during the year for the entertainment of the students. Parties and dances are to be held on Friday or Saturday nights with an exception for Homecoming activities. Sponsoring groups must consult with their advisor(s) and see that the following are observed:
1. Organizations desiring to schedule social events and meetings must reserve the dates on the school calendar.
2. All requests must be cleared through the Principal and/or Athletic Director’s office.
3. Arrange for a money box with the office so ticket takers are properly supplied.
4. Students desiring to attend the event or dance must be there at the time set for the start or shortly thereafter. The doors will be locked within one hour after the start time. Students should remain until the function is over. Any student leaving before the dance is over will not be allowed to return.
5. Out of school guests must be cleared through the office and should have a guest pass for the event. An exception to this rule may be Prom.
Tornado Drill
In the event of a tornado students are to move into the hallway and sit close to the walls with heads covered. The warning of an approaching tornado will come from the office. There will be a minimum of three tornado drills during the school year.
Fire Drill
General Instructions:
1. Once the alarm box has been activated the signals will continue until the activated box has been opened and turned off.
2. During fire drills students are asked to remain quiet, walk briskly, and keep to the side of the hallways as directed in the vacating of each specific room.
3. Students seated next to windows should quickly close the windows before leaving the room.
4. Exit the rooms in a quick, organized, and timely fashion.
5. Close all doors and windows before you vacate the building.
6. Students who reach exit doors first should hold them open until the last person has vacated the hallway. Exit doors should be closed when all have vacated the building.
7. Students who pass through the exit doors first should move several hundred feet away from the building to allow ample room for the remainder of the student body to vacate the building. Roll call should be taken. When the “all clear” has been given students will enter the building in an orderly fashion.
Male Laker of the Year and Female Laker of the Year
Athletes will be nominated by a coach using the following criteria:
1. Academic standing, citizenship, and positive attitude.
2. Athlete must possess high moral character and leadership.
3. Athlete must have demonstrated full potential use of their athletic abilities.
4. Athlete’s adherence to training rules.
5. Athlete must have lettered in at least two sports.
6. Use or possession of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco at any time during the school year will automatically disqualify the athlete from nomination.
7. The award(s) may not be given in a year that no athletes possess the necessary qualifications.
Training Rules for ALL Extra-Curricular Activities
Use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs will result in a suspension. Des Lacs-Burlington High School will follow the rules as set by the NDHSAA is response to these violations. In a situation where there is a party or in a car with drugs, alcohol, or tobacco present a good faith effort must be made to vacate the situation. Failure to leave will result in a suspension from one contest. A second violation will result in the removal from the activity. One unexcused absence from practice will result in a one contest suspension. Coaches should be notified prior to the absence. Coaches will have discretion over this violation. Other rules for “Laker” athletes:
1. The use of profanity is prohibited.
2. Players and cheerleaders of the opposite sex should be separated on the bus.
3. Grubs should not be worn to school on game day or to away games.
4. In the event of repeated violations of #1, #2, or #3 no presentation of special awards earned will be given. However, letters will be awarded.
Weapons Policy
Possession and/or use of a weapon by a student is detrimental to the welfare and safety of the students and school personnel within the district. Therefore, no student will knowingly possess, handle, carry, or transmit any weapon or dangerous instrument in any school building, on school grounds, in any vehicle, or at any school sponsored event. Such weapons include but are not limited to: knives, razors, ice picks, screwdrivers, explosive/incendiary devices, guns or bb guns, slingshots, bludgeons, brass knuckles, or any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon or dangerous instrument. Violation of this policy will require that proceedings for the suspension and/or expulsion of the student involved being in initiated immediately by the Administration.
Bus Rider Rules
If you are a student that rides the school bus it is important that you are on time at the designated school bus stops so that the route can remain on schedule. While waiting stay off the road at all times. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before entering. Be careful in approaching bus stops. Riders are not permitted to move forward toward the bus at the school bus departure area until the bus has come to a complete stop.
While on the bus the driver has the same authority as a teacher or school employee. Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times after entering. Assist in helping keep the bus safe and sanitary at all times. Loud talking and laughing are unnecessary and prohibited as they may divert the drivers attention. Treat bus equipment as you would treat furniture in your own house. Damage to bus equipment will be paid by the offender. Riders should never tamper with or touch any bus equipment unless authorized by the driver. Do not leave books, lunches, or any other articles on the bus. Help to look after the safety and comfort of younger children. You may not throw anything out of the bus windows. Keep all of your articles out of the aisle. Riders should not leave their seats when the bus is in motion. Horse play is not permitted on or around the bus. Absolute quiet is required when approaching a railroad crossing. Be courteous to everyone. If there is a road emergency riders will remain on the bus unless required to vacate by the driver or Administration. All students should dress “season” appropriate. Cold weather clothing should include coats. overshoes, boots, hats, and gloves.
When departing the bus riders should look to be sure no traffic is coming and cross the street at least ten feet in front of the bus. Riders should help younger students and small children when crossing the street. Be aware of the danger signal that comes from the driver. The bus driver will not discharge riders at places other than the regular bus stops, at the home, or at the school unless by proper authorization from parents or school Administration.
United Public School District #7 Sportsmanship and Mission Statement
Des Lacs-Burlington United Public School District #7 believes that interscholastic events serve both educational and physical purposes in the lives of our district’s administrators, coaches, teachers, students, spectators, cheerleaders, bands, officials, and contest workers. Des Lacs-Burlington United Public School District #7 has made the development of positive sportsmanship a focus in all interscholastic events. The challenge of achieving positive sportsmanship is one that all members of the district take on together.
The school board believes they must be open to adopting a new policy promoting positive sportsmanship. They believe in serving as positive role models and expect the same from all parties involved in interscholastic events. They will support and recognize those who display good sportsmanship on a regular and consistent basis. They understand value of good sportsmanship and will use their position to promote this value in our school district.
The school administrators believe they must provide appropriate supervision at each scholastic event. They also accept the responsibility for helping in the development of a crowd control plan for all home contests. They will join with the school board in recognizing exemplary behavior in terms of sportsmanship. The administration will actively discourage undesirable conduct at all events. They understand their role in establishing good sportsmanship and will set the tone for the implementation of good practice.
The coaches will teach positive sportsmanship and set up a plan to recognize those participants that display sportsmanship. They will provide instruction, training, and motivation without putting participants down through their action and language. They will understand that they have a unique personality and use common sense when making decisions. Coaches may question a rule interpretation but must approach the situation in a respective manner. They understand that their actions speak very loudly and their role in regards to sportsmanship is all encompassing.
The student athletes believe that they must show respect at all times for coaches, opponents, game officials, and especially their own teammates. They will hold themselves and their teammates accountable for their actions by supporting one another and by letting all participants know that sportsmanship is expected. They will show respect for public property and equipment, specifically locker rooms and school facilities. They understand that they are the focus of the events and that they are to lead by example on and off the field of competition.
The spectators will avoid criticism of game officials and coaches. They will not engage in coaching from the stands. They will support the cheerleaders in their effort to engage the crowd. They will work cooperatively with officials and supervisors in maintaining order at all events. They understand the need to be positive role models and emulate sportsmanship through all their actions.
The band will promote sportsmanship through its actions and through its playing. They will perform the opponents school song to the best of their ability. They will show respect to the rules of the game as set for by the NDHSAA. They understand they are a vital part of our school’s success in the promotion and development of positive sportsmanship.
The cheerleaders will shop respect for the opposing cheerleaders and teams. They will lead positive cheers. They will praise their team through cheers while not antagonizing the opponents. They will dress in school appropriate uniforms. They understand that they are a vital part of each team they are associated with.
The officials will comply with the rules set forth by the NDHSAA. They will be accountable for the actions within the game they officiate. They will report instances of misconduct and understand that they too can be reported for conduct unbecoming of an official. Officials will be expected to be on time and efficient in rule interpretation. They understand that they must maintain their composure and be competent in their abilities.
The contest workers will be consistent in applying sportsmanship and policies and procedures. They understand that it is their responsibility to enforce the sportsmanship policies established by the district. They know that they are an intricate part of the process and will treat their role as such.
Additional administrative rules will be developed providing enforcement of these expectations. These will include a strong focus on recognizing instances of positive sportsmanship at interscholastic events. Des Lacs-Burlington United School District #7 has made sportsmanship a priority. The school district will continue to promote and foster the development of a positive sportsmanship policy through out the year at all events.
United Public School District #7 Acceptable Behaviors
1. Show respect for each team’s players and fans. Stand during both school songs.
2. Accept all decisions of officials as final. Do this in a respectful manner.
3. Fans will cheer in a positive manner.
4. Handshakes between coaches and players will take place at the end of each competition not matter the outcome/situation.
5. All events will be treated as a celebration of sportsmanship and competition.
United Public School District #7 Unacceptable Behaviors
1. Any disrespectful cheers, yells, songs, or gestures are forbidden.
2. Criticizing the officials in any manner is not allowed.
3. The use of profanity at any event is strictly forbidden.
4. Addressing the opponent in any negative manner in any instance is not allowed.
5. Hand-held signs, whiteboards, flags, noise-makers are forbidden.
Network Facilities Use Policy
The United Public School District #7 School Board is committed to the goal of having electronic facilities used in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner. Acceptable uses of the network are activities which support teaching and learning. We encourage you to develop uses which enhance your electronic learning. Unacceptable uses of the network include:
1. Violating the rights of privacy of student and employees of the district.
2. Use of profanity.
3. Obscenity
4. Language which may be deemed offensive to another user.
5. Reposting communication without the author’s prior consent.
6. Copying commercial software in violation of copyright law.
7. Using the network for financial gain or for any commercial or illegal activity.
8. Spreading computer viruses.
9. Downloading, storing, or printing files or messages that are profane, obscene, or use language that is offensive or degrading to others.
Violations of the networks facilities use policy will result in loss of privileges. School, teacher, and administrative rules must be followed at all times. The student handbook section on discipline defines the orderly process that will be used when the discipline is required. Students caught altering the settings on DLB computers, school website, and/or school data bases will be disciplined by the administration.
Student Insurance
The school does not have insurance to cover injuries that occur in the normal activity associated with extra-curricular activities. Parents and their primary insurance are used to cover these costs.
Student Organizations, Clubs, and Sports
1. Student Council 2. FFA
3. FBLA 4. Speech
5. Spanish Club 6. National Honor Society
7. Academic Olympic Team 8. Band
9. Choir 10. Pep Band
11. Drama 12. Football
13. Volleyball 14. Basketball
15. Wrestling 16. Baseball
17. Golf 18. Track
19. Science Olympiad 20. Cheerleading
21. PALS 22. Rodeo
23. Softball